MGSL 9812 – 12th May 2022 Meeting

Date(s) - 12/05/2022
4:30 pm - 9:30 pm

The Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall

Join us in The Grand Temple at Freemasons’ Hall for our annual Installation. The meeting is held in the beautiful Grand Temple, followed by a sumptuous meal in the Vestibules of Freemasons Hall.

The meeting is open to ALL masons (Entered Apprentice upwards) registered under the UGLE. If you are not sure if that applies to you, please contact us BEFORE making your booking as you will not be permitted entry on the day if you are not a subscribing Freemason of a regularly constituted lodge under the register of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The menu, including 1/2 of a bottle of wine, is:

Reception Drink


Crayfish salad with baby gem and mango dressing (Fi)

Tomato and bocconcini, basil with granola crumble (V) (Mi, G)


Roasted Guinea Fowl, Squash puree and jus (Mi)

Baked Cod and Fish cream sauce (Fi, Mi, Ce)

Roasted Squash, Pesto and Pomegranate (V) (Mi, Tn)


Dessert – Sliced fruits and berry coulis (Vg)

Cheese Plate

followed by

Tea or Coffee & Petit Fours

Booking Instructions

Simply select food options below. The system form will expand according to the number of guests you select. In the comments section you can add any further information about your booking.

Confirmation of your booking will be acknowledged via email. (Check your junk folder) You will be able to pay via card once you have submitted your details below. (Bookings received without payment will NOT be processed even if you receive the automated email)

If you would like to attend the Lodge meeting only and not dine, please book via the form found here: Non-Dining Booking Form

DINING BOOKINGS ARE NOW CLOSED – If you would like to dine please book in using the Non-Dining Booking Form and leave a note in the comment section, we will put you on a reserved list and make contact if a space becomes available.


Bookings are closed for this event.